This is a profile image of Ferry Grijpink

Ferry Grijpink


Helps telecom and media companies grow their businesses, shape new markets, and transform their organizations.

Ferry leads the McKinsey Center for Advanced Connectivity within the Technology, Media & Telecommunications Practice, which brings together McKinsey’s experts on 5G, low Earth orbit satellites, and Wifi 6.0 connectivity with the firm’s knowledge to help clients overcome hurdles and capture the opportunities of a more connected world.

He advises telecommunications companies on strategy, marketing, and operations, including mobile operators that are launching adjacent businesses in areas such as mobile health and money services. He also coleads McKinsey’s research on deploying and commercializing next-generation infrastructures, such as fiber, mobile broadband, and 5G networks. From 2013 to 2018, Ferry relocated to Singapore to lead our high tech, media, entertainment, and telecommunications work in Southeast Asia.

Ferry brings a long record of tangible client impact in both the consumer and enterprise sectors, and in addition to his work in Asia, also serves clients in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Some examples of his recent work include the following:

  • developing and accelerating the go-to-market strategy of a large cloud provider in Europe
  • supporting a global operator on its 5G strategy
  • a portfolio realignment for a large European incumbent
  • refining the enterprise-migration strategy for an emerging-market telecommunications company
  • helping a mobile and broadband operator shape its strategy to prepare for 5G-spectrum auctions
  • helping shape an operational improvement program for a large telecom operator, where he and his team achieved savings of 20 percent
  • supporting the launch of a greenfield mobile operator in Africa
  • guiding the integration of two pan-African satellite-telecommunication service providers.
  • serving telecommunications clients in Southeast Asia on a wide range of issues, including commercializing technologies, network strategy, network IT, and architecture
  • developing a digital road map for an Asian integrated incumbent
  • shaping a mobile financial-services strategy for a global operator

Ferry frequently speaks to industry groups on the dynamics of the highly competitive telecommunications market. Recent presentations to international industry bodies focused on describing the market opportunity for embedded-mobile-data devices, shaping the thinking on 5G, the Internet of Things, and discussing mobile broadband costs as a regulatory lever.

Past experience

Gemini Consulting
Senior consultant




Delft University of Technology
MSc, electrical engineering